Monday, September 30, 2019

Federal Budget Deficit

Excessive Borrowing: Our Federal Government's Budget Deficit Maria comes home one day earlier than usual. Her family, two daughters of age five and eight and a stay-at-home husband, is surprised to see her so early and unexpectedly. The tired look on her face reveals the experience she had at work. She brings out a sluggish smile as her daughters rush up to greet her with their warm embraces, reminding her of the happiness they constantly provide but also saddened by their questionable future. Quietly, she sits down in front of her anxious spouse as he patiently awaits the news, sensing the tension in the air.Many people like Maria face the ultimate doom of losing the only method they can gain family income, especially in homes where only one spouse is employed. Laying off workers is the government's â€Å"plan† for reducing America's deficit. Of course, getting rid of the executive CEO whose company had a rough year would be bad because we all know not to bite the hand that f eeds you. The federal government is planning on making the gap between revenue and borrowing smaller by making cuts here and there throughout certain interests of America.This makes sense because in all economic situations, if you are spending more than you have, then you either need to cut back on how much you spend or manipulate ways to increase revenue. Cutting military spending has been big in debate whether as to reduce our defenses or not. Many people speculate that military cuts are sound in reducing the deficit because it is too large for us to afford today. It is overlooked that we have been dropping our armed forces significantly over several decades since the early 1980s, from 2. 1 million to 1. 4 million in 2010 (Samuelson).The resulting savings of lowering military spending would be little, since there isn't much else to cut from the already reduced forces. If our national security is a large concern, especially after 9/11, then why expose both troops and citizens at ri sk of terrorist attacks and cyber warfare? The government's job is to protect the nation and its people, and putting money towards improved technology and training is necessary for upholding America's safety and reputation. The question of the budget deficit also involves the issue of raising taxes, one that has not gone smoothly since Britain's reign over the colonies.Many people argue the importance of increasing the taxes on the rich in order to support our economy. Although it makes sense that those with more money should be paying more on taxes than lower income people, but the evidence gathered fails to give strength to the claim that many believe is a solution to the deficit problem. For instance, Obama's plan for raising the taxes for â€Å"those making more than $250,00 is expected to bring in merely $0. 7 trillion† compared to the overwhelming $13 trillion to be accumulated over the same time period (Malm, Sanandaji).It is obvious how big the gap is between the two intimidating numbers, and the government is just wasting its breath about the potential tax hikes. All the talk about the inevitable decisions of either cutting government programs or increasing taxes to save our deficit, and our economy overall, seems ominous and depressing(Aaron). However, our federal government is looking at this the wrong way. It's not about how much a program is cut or how large the numeric value of the deficit is; it's about what and where the money is being invested to enable consistent growth in the upcoming future(Conason).Think back on the potential tax hikes and how it could barely affect our economy. If increased taxes leads to slight growth in revenue, then won't tax cuts lead to loss in revenue? This is another misconception many people, and the government, have about the Bush tax cuts. It lowered the total federal tax burden in order to â€Å"increase market incentives to work, save, and invest and thus create jobs and increase economic growth† (Foy). In essence, the tax cuts focused on the long run instead of the potential losses that immediately followed.Many skeptics challenge the reasoning for investing so much money into helping so many other countries when that money could instead help us improve internal affairs. After all, foreign aid spending has increased to $50 billion a year today, which could be put towards funding education to ensure that more kids go to college and possibly affecting the innovation of the future(Morris). Giving more than you receive is nice, but when it involves a country's financial crisis, maybe it's best if Santa cuts back some of this year's presents.And although the argument may be valid, lending out a helping hand can create more allies than enemies to help us in return when we need it. In fact, foreign aid only accounts for 0. 5 percent of the federal budget (Stearn). Compared to all the other matters at hand that the government is worrying about, the amount of spending put into aidi ng poorer countries is positive in both a moral aspect and a political aspect. The federal budget deficit that we put so much trust in having handled for us is not to be dismissed so easily. This isn't just about the future of our current generation, but also our children's future.Our government fails to look back at history and see how growth has improved our economy and made it flourish. Ultimately, what's at stake here if nothing is done is our jobs, job benefits, our safety, and, overall, having a weak country whose currency is based off of its own good name. By no means is having a high deficit bad, and neither is creating a budget deficit to combat it, but it's all about how the government is handling it, and less spending doesn't always mean more revenue. Works Cited Samuelson, Robert J. â€Å"The Dangerous Debate over Cutting Military Spending. http://www. washingtonpost. com/opinions/the-dangerous-debate-over-cutting-military-spending/2011/10/28/gIQAnPWEXM_story. html. 201 1. Rpt. in  The US Deficit. Ed. Kathy Jennings and Lynn M. Zott. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. Sanandaji, Tino, and Arvid Malm. â€Å"Raising Taxes Will Not Resolve the Budget Deficit. â€Å"The US Deficit. Ed. Kathy Jennings and Lynn M. Zott. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"Obama's Folly: Why Taxing the Rich Is No Solution. http://www. american. com/archive/2011/august/obamasfollytaxingtherich/ article_print. 2011. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. Conason, Joe. â€Å"Deficits Do Not Matter. †Ã‚  The Federal Budget Deficit. Ed. Susan Hunnicutt. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. At Issue. Rpt. from â€Å"Dick Cheney Was Right: Deficits Don't Matter—and Republicans Who are Complaining About Barack Obama's Spending Are Hypocrites. †Ã‚  Salon. com. 2009. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. Aaron, Henry J. â€Å"The Un ited States Needs to Address Two Distinct Budget Deficits. Government Spending. Ed. Noel Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"A Tale of Two Deficits: Stop Treating Them Like They're the Same Thing! †Ã‚  New Republic  (1 June 2011). Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. Foy, Andrew, and Brenton Stransky. â€Å"The Bush Tax Cuts Were Good for Economic Growth. †Ã‚  Government Spending. Ed. Noel Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"Lying About Bush's Tax Cuts. â€Å"www. americanthinker. com. 2010. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Feb. 2013.Stearns, Richard. â€Å"Congress Should Not Cut Foreign Aid. †Ã‚  Is Foreign Aid Necessary? Ed. David Haugen and Susan Musser. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Rpt. from â€Å"Cutting Foreign Aid: Not the America I Love. †Ã‚  Huffington Post. 2011. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. Morris, Di ck. â€Å"Congress Should Cut Foreign Aid. †Ã‚  Is Foreign Aid Necessary? Ed. David Haugen and Susan Musser. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Rpt. from â€Å"Cut Foreign Aid Budget Now. †Ã‚  http://thehill. com  (29 Mar. 2011). Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Feb. 2013.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Carols Gambino

Carlo Gambino was born on August 24, 1902 in Palermo, Sicily. His family had been part of the Honored Society, for centuries. A brotherhood that used codes of honor and millions of Italian Liras to control thereown destiny and free them from repression. Only 5'7†³ and with a prominent hook nose that gave him caricature, Carlo was respected and tough, and not afraid to confront those who owed money to the Honored Society, carrying out orders with a charismatic ruthlessness that was soon noted. Gambino was â€Å"made† or inducted into the Society on his 19th birthday.At age 19 in November 1921, using his family connections from his mother's family, the Castellanos, who were already established in New York, Gambino left Palermo, Sicily for America. He was smuggled aboard a freighter among crates of wine, olive oil and anchovies that anchored at Norfolk, Virginia. Never becoming a citizen of the United States,Carlo was on the rise to the top of one of the most powerful Americ an Families. Carlo began as an enforcer for the local Society chieftain, Don Vito Cascio Ferro.Carlo would have been happy to remain in Sicily and succeed Don Vito, but the atmosphere of the rise of fascism under Vito Mussolini made it difficult for the Honored Society. Mussolini declared publicly â€Å"he would break the organization†. He worked during the era of prohibition for the Castellano family as a rum runner, a driver and sitting shotgun, eventually moving to another family working for Joe the Boss Masseria's bootlegging racket. Masseria's rival was Salvador Maranzano. Carlo joined forces with Lucky Luciano to better serve their enterprises.Luciano wanted to oust both Masseria and Maranzano. On April 15, 1931, Masseria was murdered while at a meeting with Luciano at a Coney Island restaurant. Luciano joined with Maranzano, as the new bosses. Maranzano was shot and stabbed to death in his New York offices on orders from Luciano. This left the door open for Luciano to become the top boss. Luciano divided up the New York turf that turned the Society into a business commission, with each family getting an equal vote. Gambino was assigned to Vincent Mangano, who controlled the Brooklyn wharf.At 29, Carlo was named a capo of his own crew. He brought in Paul Castellano as his aide. Gambino married his first cousin, Paul's sister, Catherine Castellano, in 1932, at age 30. They raised 3 sons and one daughter, living in a modest row house in Brooklyn. Although it was modest, it was elegant and expensive and it stood out among the other â€Å"modest† row houses. His only real evidence of vanity was his license plate on his Buick, CG1. In 1933, with Prohibition lifted, Gambino moved contraband liquor, selling alcohol without paying government taxes.He was arrested and charged with tax evasion, but he was able to beat the rap, released with a suspended sentence. Gambino invested his profits in a business that was low-key and taboo, running â€Å"Gay Bars† for homosexuals. In 1951, Gambinos boss Vincent Mangano mysteriously disappeared and Albert Anastasia, a vicious killer, took over the family, leading many to believe he had ordered Mangano's killing. He organized Murder Inc. , which some say never existed. Crime Inc. was supposed to be Anastasias hit squad to keep the families in order. He made Gambino his under boss in 1956.Anastasia was murdered on Oct. 25, 1957, while he was getting a shave at the Park Sheraton Hotel in midtown Manhattan. With a hot towel on his face, two gunmen rushed in and shot him to death. On that day, the Gambino dynasty began. In 1962, Gambinos eldest son Tommy married the daughter of rival boss Thomas Lucchese. Gambino was Shrewd about FBI surveillance, speaking little during meetings and devising a code to discuss business. Carlos illusive behavior drove the feds crazy. He was deliberately illusive and low profile, dressing down and refusing comments to reporters during brief encounters.In 1969, the Gambino Family had over 25 crews with more than 950 men. Carlo was close to Vegas star Frank Sinatra, who did not run from associating with the Gambino family. New York City police, kept a car parked in front of Gambinos home, That was marked â€Å"Organized Crime Control Bureau. † He was under constant surveillance. It was in 1969 that a Gambino crew member, John Gotti, was arrested for hijacking a truck. Carlo Gambino was charged the same year for masterminding an armed robbery truck hijacking. The case was delayed over and over again.In 1971, his wife Catherine died of cancer. Carlos was also in bad health. The loss of his wife was devastating to him. The Feds tried hard to deport Gambino to Sicily. Gambinos doctors proved he had heart trouble and would never be able to make that trip. When the feds were ready to finally deport Gambino, his family, aware of Carlos health, bought off two powerful but always unnamed US Senators, to allow him to remain in the United States. They were to be paid $25,000 a year each for life, if the deportation order could be stopped. It was.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Critical Analysis 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Analysis 2 - Essay Example Some rationalist ideas and the remnants of Puritan ideas are seen in the Declaration of Independence. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is explain three examples of Rationalist and remnants of Puritan ideas in the Declaration. Whether Puritan ideas seem to be in conflict with Rationalist elements will be investigated.The works of Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, John Locke and Thomas Hobbes will be referred to. Rationalism is a philosophic belief in natural rights which is perceived and applied by individuals with the help of reasoning powers (Hill 74). Puritanism, on the other hand, is marked by rigid beliefs on living a pure life devoid of indulgence, and a Christian life in the quest of Godliness and the establishment of the truth of God. The period of Enlightenment (1650 to 1800) believed to be an age of rationalism, evolved from the humanistic changes in religious beliefs of the earlier period and the emergence of puritanism. Puritanism began with Protestant reforms in the early sixteenth century to purify the Church and society of corruption and dogma (Cody & Landlow, 1988). Puritanism was the philosophy of life â€Å"which was carried to New England by the first settlers in the early seventeenth century† (Miller & Johnson 1). Thomas Jefferson’s concept of rationality included the belief in natural rights and an innate moral sense common to all people. One example of rationalist idea in the Declaration is Jefferson’s attack on the practice of slavery in the first draft of the Declaration of Independence. He stated that slavery did not follow the natural law of right to freedom which was a basic human right (Hill 82). Another example of a rationalist idea is that â€Å"all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness† (U.S. History 2009). This should mean equal treatment of Africans with white settlers. However,

Computer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Computer - Assignment Example (cover story). 2011). Previously, bill gates was on top of the list for richest people in world, he lost the spot because he generously donated $ 28 billion for Melinda Gates Foundation, the largest private endowment fund in the world (Gates gives away title of worlds richest man. 2011). Moreover, he and Melinda Gates Foundation also donated $5 million to OCLC for enhancing and improving a public information campaign that is designed to upsurge library support. The library will test material including advertising, direct marketing, and grassroots initiatives-will be made available next year to the library community at large (Oder, Albanese et al. 2009). Currently Bill gates have resigned from Microsoft but he is still the chairman of the board of directors. There is no doubt that bill gates has led Microsoft to be one of the most successful technology based organization in history, as Microsoft products interacts with each of us in any way or the other in this modern era. Likewise, B ill Gates is also considered to be ‘lucky’, as both Gates and Paul Allen established Microsoft in 1975 (Cusumano 2009). The main purpose was to develop a programming language for a desktop computer that was not yet available in the markets. Moreover, Gates was successful in achieving a contract from IBM in 1980 – 1981 to construct the code for Disk Operating System (DOS) (Cusumano 2009). However, bill gates violated the contracted because he was not an expert of making operating systems and IBM at that time was not expert either for making an efficient operating system including processor architecture and design. However, the processor architecture and design was managed by Intel. Moreover, Gates proficiency can be defined as a professional and cunning hacker with infinite or little management skills (Cusumano 2009). The success of Microsoft

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Discuss the key features of effective corporate decision making and Essay

Discuss the key features of effective corporate decision making and assess how well these are being applied in an organisation y - Essay Example ...................................... 5 Learning from mistakes................................................................................. 6 Cultural sensitivity........................................................................................ 7 Conclusion................................................................................................................ 9 References................................................................................................................ 10 Executive Summary Effective decision-making is based on several qualities. These qualities include: innovativeness, diversification, learning from mistakes, and cultural sensitivity. Innovativeness is based on the ability to come up with new products and to market these products successfully. Diversification is based on the ability of the company to market different products and not be concentrated on only one or a few products. Learning from mistakes is about making the adjustments a fter issues in application and decision making have been seen. Cultural sensitivity, on the other hand, is about considering the culture of the corporation and making decisions based on such culture. In relation to Apple Corporation, they were able to meet these elements when they established various innovations and were able to establish a diverse market. They also learned from their mistakes throughout the years and re-employed Steve Jobs to reinvigorate the company. As a result, they have risen among the ranks of the most profitable and powerful corporations in the world. Corporate Decision-making Introduction Successful and effective corporations have distinct qualities and decision-making processes which often help them occupy such positions of success. These features are often distinctive to each corporation, based on their goals, activities, marketing, as well as the qualities of their consumers. This essay shall evaluate literature in order to establish the key features of e ffective corporate decision-making and assess how well these are being applied in an organization I know well. It will first present several studies and literature on effective practices of corporations in their decision-making activities. It will then discuss the application of such practices to Apple Corporation. Lastly, a summary and conclusion will evaluate the different elements being discussed in this paper on corporate decision-making. This essay is being carried out in order to establish a clear and well supported assessment of corporate decision-making, including the qualities which make for successful practice. Body Innovativeness In the current age of high stakes competition among businesses, various strategies and features are apparent for corporations seeking and keeping success. One of the qualities seen among these successful corporations is that they are major innovators (Morris, Kuratko and Covin, 2010). Successful corporations are distinctly set apart because of th e innovations they seem to constantly introduce into the market. In a paper by Uotila et al. (2009), they discuss that in order for corporations to be successful, they need to balance exploration and exploitation activities. In effect, as they explore and establish various innovations, they also need to temper their impact on society and on the environment. Their power to introduce new products and to explore new activities is at the very forefront of their success, and their ability to minimize their impact on the environment and on society is also a required

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sex and Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sex and Media - Essay Example Given that media tends to be more fiction than fact, sex is often showed in a negative light, presenting negative images and ideas to those that are subjected to such media. The media, such as television shows, presents a falsified, and often brutal, view of sex. From rape to sexual abuse, shows on television have shown it all. While many people are taught that sex is the representation of love in a physical form, media reveals it to be something other than being related to love (Nikunen 108). Some television shows do not directly show the sexual act, preferring to imply it and use the camera to skirt around the scene, but the images are no less graphic. As long as these television shows make their viewer rating known prior to the start of the show, they are allowed to display graphic acts of sexual violence. Rape and sexual abuse are common occurrences in this world, but by displaying them as forms of entertainment, they are only being condoned by society. Sex in media has the great est influence on adolescents. More often than not, this influence is negative, encouraging young people to engage in premarital, underage sex. Television shows like â€Å"Teen Mom† and â€Å"16 and Pregnant† glamorize teenage sex, condoning it for teenagers that watch these shows. Teenagers love the Hollywood lifestyle, and television shows that praise teenage pregnancy is not exempt.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Childhood trauma and Resiliency Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Childhood trauma and Resiliency - Research Paper Example During the aftermath of these events, it is possible that the children cannot sustain psychological well-being. Situations that do not result in a child’s capacity to successfully deal with a traumatic experience could be due to the risk factors that lead to a more difficult recovery (Applied Research and Consulting, LLC et al., 2002). Among the major factors that influence a child’s success in dealing with the trauma are: (1) being a direct witness to the traumatic event, (2) involvement or exposure of a family member to the event, (3) having members of the family dying during such an event, (4) already having a previous mental or psychological problem and (5) having no support network. After traumatic events, some children may require the help of professionals in order to deal with the adverse effects. Children who have faced adverse and traumatic events could go the probabilistic path towards failure and disruption in performance of developmental tasks that increase psychopathology and maladaptation (Cicchetti, 2002). However, not all children who faced trauma, as in the case of abused and neglected children, develop maladaptation. Some children are able to effectively cope and successfully perform the developmental tasks that are required for their age. With time, acute distress could disappear; children cope and grow into competent adults. Many children have risen out of adversity to become highly successful and well-adjusted, leading responsible and fulfilling lives. These children have made the best out of adversity. Some face their trauma head-on, make the most of their lives, and positively influence other people’s lives. Success in the face of adversity has been attributed the development and prevalence of resilience. Resilience is a form of human adaptation arising from mechanisms that result in improving children’s capacity to adapt and cope with traumatic stress and adversity. Resilience has been

Monday, September 23, 2019

Influence of Mergers on Firm Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Influence of Mergers on Firm Performance - Essay Example The result of a merger may therefore have a positive or negative influence on a firm’s productivity. This paper draws on theory and evidence in evaluating the extent to which mergers influence the performance of firms. Influence of Mergers on Firm Performance Mergers increase market power of firms, which is the ability to influence the price and supply of a commodity in the market without affecting customer loyalty (Peterson, 2002). The merging firms within a particular industry are able to establish a monopoly that is capable of controlling the quantities and prices of commodities produced. On the other hand, as DePamphilis (2002) observes, merging increases the competitive advantage of firms over competitors. A market leader results from mergers so long as government policy favors a monopolistic market and hence with the perspective of market power, mergers can be considered to have a positive influence on a firm’s performance. Organizational effectiveness can also be accomplished through mergers that pool resources from the merging organizations to form one firm with a strong resource base. A firm that has success to sufficient resources is capable of maintaining a competitive advantage. ... This allows the firm to have sufficient time to test the applicability of emerging inventions; hence it can not incur heavy losses. Moreover, merging firms enjoy the economies of scale due to the combined production (Sudarsanam, 2004). Mergers increase the new firm’s market share as a result of the amalgamation of the different levels of market share existing before the merger. In other words, firms do not lose their customers after the merger. A successful merger requires that each firm accounts for its input in to the merger, including its human resources and customers. A greater market share resulting from the merger leads to economies of scale, increased turnover and hence increased profitability (Bruner & Perella, 2004). Tax reduction has significant implications on a firm’s profitability. Each firm submits tax as a single entity depending on the level of profits. When a firm’s external environment is unfavorable and makes losses yet it continues paying taxe s, a merger comes in hardy to save it from collapse. Merging with a larger profit making company enables the loss making firm to continue producing while the larger firm enjoys a tax advantage. This may not be a favorable merger for the loss making firm and hence it may not have any positive impact on performance (Sudarsanam, 2004). Mergers develop a positive outlook of the new organization with regards to the stock market. The larger organization has the capacity to maintain stock stability than the original smaller firms. This stability is significant in maintaining the confidence of investors in the stock market, which on the other hand translates to a strong capital base that is necessary for a firm’s long term strategic

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Xlas ais syllabus Essay Example for Free

Xlas ais syllabus Essay I. COURSE DESCRIPTION A general survey of scholarship practiced within three broad cultures of inquiry: the Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences. Through a cross-disciplinary framework, this course explores the diverse ideas, values, and practices used by various disciplines to investigate and organize their subject matter and create knowledge. Students will consider and compare the assumptions, methods, ethics, and impact of inquiry and scholarship within these three broad cultures of inquiry. Students will examine, compare, and contrast the intellectual endeavors that influence society and human experience. II. GOAL PURPOSE One of the primary purposes of all universities is to produce and share knowledge. Thus, the overall goal of this course is to provide incoming students with a general introduction to academic cultures of inquiry and the ideas, values, and beliefs inherent in its varied disciplinary perspectives. The specific purpose of this course is to provide an overview of academic inquiry and to guide student discovery of how various disciplines produce knowledge. This course begins with the premise that processes of inquiry differ by academic tradition, and thus represent distinct cultures of knowledge-making. Extending beyond simple rote memorization, the course will emphasize deep understanding and application of concepts. Hence, the course examines academic cultures of inquiry within the Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences and provides students a brief introduction to: (1) how different disciplines formulate and investigate questions; (2) how specialized disciplinary language influences inquiry; (3) how context and community influence inquiry; and (4) how each discipline uses different means, materials, and methods of inquiry to produce knowledge. A common theme â€Å"Food Matters† is used to organize the course readings and discussions. 1 III. LEARNING OUTCOMES This course contributes to the following measurable outcomes: LEARNING OUTCOME Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: COURSE AND/OR CORE ASSESSMENT LEARNING OUTCOME CORE CURRICULUM OBJECTIVE 1. Compare and contrast how scholars from the Humanities/Fine Arts, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences ask questions and seek answers. Course and Core Assessment Learning Outcome Critical Thinking 2. Categorize disciplines within the Humanities/Fine Arts, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences Course Learning Outcome 3. Generate examples of appropriate research/inquiry questions in the  Humanities/Fine Arts, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences Course Learning Outcome 4. Identify key research/inquiry terms and concepts used in the Humanities/Fine Arts, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences. Course Learning Outcome 5. Explain similarities and differences in communication conventions in the Humanities/Fine Arts, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences, using oral presentation, visual representations, and writing. Course and Core Assessment Learning Outcome Communication Skills 6. Identify credible resources and elements of scholarly work in the Humanities/Fine Arts, Social Sciences, and Natural  Sciences Course Learning Outcome 7. Identify components of ethical research and inquiry germane to the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences (e. g. , avoiding misrepresentation and distortion of information, academic dishonesty, and personal bias). Course and Core Assessment Learning Outcome Personal Responsibility 2 8. Explain how academic inquiry and various communities (local to global) influence each other. Course and Core Assessment Learning Outcome Social Responsibility IV. COURSE GRADING Final Class grades will be based on the following weights: Assignment Percent of Course Grade  Class Attendance 5% Weekly Assignments, Homework, Quizzes 40% Exams/Assessments (4 X 10%) 40% Group Presentation/Individual Response Paper 15% Total 100% V. COURSE REQUIREMENTS A. ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is necessary for successful completion of the course and is, therefore, mandatory. Attendance will be taken at each class meeting. Dropping a course is the student’s responsibility. Instructors will NOT drop or withdraw students because of non-attendance. B. WEEKLY ASSIGNMENTS, HOMEWORK, QUIZZES Student learning will be regularly assessed using a combination of weekly in-class assignments, homework, and/or quizzes designed for class participation. These will help students keep up with the assigned reading as well as provide a context for students to work through and reflect on class material. These cannot be replicated outside class sessions. If a student is absent (or late), he/she clearly cannot participate in the activity that occurred during the absence or tardiness. Students may not make up missed in-class activities without providing a medical excuse or verification of participation in official UTSA activities, e. g. : representing UTSA in approved events such as  debate or athletic events. The lowest in-class assignment grade will be dropped. C. EXAMS/ASSESSMENTS There will be four exams, each covering approximately one fourth of the course material. The exams will consist of objective items and short-answer essay questions. Student essay responses will be graded for grammar, punctuation, sentence-structure, etc. 3 D. GROUP PRESENTATION/INDIVIDUAL RESPONSE PAPER Students will be required to participate in a group presentation. Instructors will assign 3 students per group based on their identified major/area of interest (one Humanities/Fine Arts, one Natural  Sciences, and one Social Sciences). Each group will develop a narrowed topic, statement of the problem, and discipline-specific approaches related to a â€Å"Food Matter. † Students may be provided a list of pre-approved topics or they may identify their own topic, subject to instructor approval. Each group member will follow detailed instructions specific to his/her area of inquiry (instructions and grading rubric provided at later date). The group will work collaboratively to create a poster that includes (1) an overall statement of the problem, (2) a Natural Science disciplinary approach to the problem, (3) a Social  Science disciplinary approach to the problem, and (4) a Humanities/Fine Arts disciplinary approach to the problem. Groups will present a 6 to 7-minute summary of their exploration of inquiry in three broad areas of learning to the class by stating their problem and describing the three approaches to addressing their problem. Each group member is required to participate in the oral presentation and is expected to orally present his/her discipline specific approach. In addition, each group member is expected to provide an individual response paper detailing his/her portion of the presentation. Specific guidelines for the group presentation and indivdiual response paper will be provided at a later date. Reflective Evaluation. Each student may complete a reflective evaluation rubric for each group member and one self-evaluation. Criteria will include the extent to which each group member helped move the group forward, completed tasks effectively and in a timely fashion, supported a constructive team climate, and addressed destructive group conflict. These evaluations may count as a homework grade. Group Presentation Evaluations. Each student in the class will critically evaluate their classmate’s group presentations. A rubric of the presentation evaluation will be provided at a later date. The evaluations may serve as a graded assignment. VI. CLASS POLICIES. Attendance. Regular attendance is necessary for successful completion of the course and is, therefore, mandatory. Attendance will be taken at each class meeting. Dropping a course is the student’s responsibility. Instructors may NOT drop or withdraw students because of non-attendance. Participation Preparation. This course is designed to engage class members in a thoughtful, on-going conversation about the nature of research and various academic cultures. Many of the  class activities are based on readings and group work completed prior to and during class. It is, 4 therefore, a student’s responsibility to keep up with the readings and assignments and come to class ready to participate. Electronic Devices. †¢Cell Phones. Ringing cell phones disrupt the learning environment. Please set to vibrate during class. †¢Audio-Taping. It is permissible to record class lectures if you so desire. However, recording the class while going over an exam is prohibited. †¢Laptops and/or Tablets. If you have one, bring it. We may use them during class to access the Internet. Do not use them unless assigned. Makeup Exams, Late Work, Extra Credit, Incompletes. Make-up exams and late work will not be allowed unless PREVIOUSLY cleared with the professor. IF a makeup exam is permitted, the student must take the exam prior to or during the next scheduled class meeting. Late work will be allowed at my discretion. IF late work is accepted, points will be deducted at a rate of 5 percentage points per day, excluding weekends and holidays. No late work will be accepted more than 1 week after the due date. No work for extra credit will be allowed for any individual student for any reason. Course incompletes will be given only in EXTREME cases. Course Evaluation. Professors use feedback provided by students in course evaluations to improve their teaching. Additionally, course evaluations are a strategy used by the University as one factor in evaluating an instructor’s effectiveness. As a faculty member I encourage you to complete the course evaluation during the availability period later in the semester. One extra credit point will be added to the average of participating students at the end of the semester. Students with Disabilities. Students with documented exceptionalities should register with Disability Services (MS 2. 03. 18, 458-4981 or – Downtown BV 1. 302, 458-2945). For more information regarding the Office of Disability Services, consult the following link: http://www. utsa. edu/disability/students. htm Tomas Rivera Center. I encourage you to utilize the academic support services available to you through the Tomas Rivera Center (TRC) to assist you with building study skills and tutoring in course content. These services are available at no additional cost to you. The TRC has several locations at the Main Campus and is also located at the Downtown Campus. For more information, visit the web site at www. utsa. edu/trcss or call (210) 458-4694 on the Main Campus  and (210) 458-2838 on the Downtown Campus. Cheating. Students are expected to be above reproach in scholastic activities. Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the 5 possibility of failure in the course and dismissal from the University. According to The Regents Rules and Regulations, Part One, Chapter VI, Section 3, Subsection 3. 2, Subdivision 3. 22, Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another  person, taking an exam for another person, and act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts. Since scholastic dishonesty harms the individual, all students, and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. For more information regarding the UTSA Student Code of Conduct, consult the following link: http://www. utsa. edu/infoguide/appendices/b. html 6 Roadrunner Creed The University of Texas at San Antonio is a community of scholars where integrity, excellence, inclusiveness, respect, collaboration, and innovation are fostered. As a Roadrunner, I will: †¢Uphold the highest standards of academic and personal integrity by practicing and expecting fair and ethical conduct; †¢Respect and accept individual differences, recognizing the inherent dignity of each person; †¢Contribute to campus life and the larger community through my active engagement; and †¢Support the fearless exploration of dreams and ideas in the advancement of ingenuity, creativity, and discovery. Guided by these principles now and forever, I am a Roadrunner! 7.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Negative Effects of War Essay Example for Free

Negative Effects of War Essay In â€Å"How to Tell a True War Story,† Tim O’Brien presents many themes within his story. One major theme is the negative effects of war on a soldier. Many situations arise in the story that bring out the theme to make it easy to understand for the reader. The effects of war can be very harmful to a soldier’s life, and he or she can be scarred forever. When Bob Kiley’s friend, Curt Lemon, dies at the beginning of the story, Kiley takes the time to write Lemon’s sister. He wrote about what a good guy Lemon was and the many adventures that he took. Kiley explained that Lemon was a dare devil and a soldier that loved what he did. Bob Kiley did not have to write to his friend’s sister at all, but he did it out of kindness. He poured his heart out into the letter because he wanted his friend’s sister to understand what a great guy he was. O’Brien’s narrator tells the reader that, â€Å"[h]e says he loved the guy. He says the guy was his best friend in the world. They were like soul mates, he says, like twins or something, they had a whole lot in common† (O’Brien 347). Kiley went into detail about some events, but he wanted this girl to know everything. He sent the letter and he waited for two months for one in return. She never sent Bob Kiley a letter back and he got upset. The negative effects of war made him go into detail about the story and that may have made the sister not write him. When a soldier sends a letter to someone, all they want is one in return. It makes them feel good when they know someone is at home thinking about them too. War can make a soldier feel alone and having someone to write to can make them feel wanted. Kiley felt alone and used when he did not get a letter in return. He wrote the letter out of kindness and all he wanted was a thank you from the girl. If she would have sent Kiley a letter in return he would have felt better about himself. When Curt Lemon died, the story portrays his death three different times. Each time his death is told it is told in different ways. Curt Lemon’s death was caused by a booby-trap buried in the ground. The story portrays him floating into the sunlight through the trees. The negative effects of war can cause soldiers to remember someone’s death in detail. They remember him being blown into pieces as he was killed. Remembering vivid details about someone else’s death can cause disturbing flashbacks in a soldier’s life. The death of Curt Lemon caused Bob Kiley to take out his frustration on a baby water buffalo. When they stopped to rest for the night Kiley takes an unexpected turn and shoots the buffalo in the leg. He continuously tortures the animal, as the others soldiers watch in disbelief. O’Brien’s narrator tells the reader that, â€Å"[t]he whole platoon stood there watching, feeling all kinds of things, but there wasn’t a great deal of pity for the baby water buffalo† (O’Brien 352). The buffalo takes the torture and never reacts. The negative effects of war caused Bob Kiley to do something that no one could ever believe doing. He lost his best friend, so he took his pain out on the water buffalo. Any soldier in their right mind would have enough sense not to kill an animal, but the negative effects of war can change people. Kiley will never be the same because of the things he had to endure during his time of duty. War can change a soldier in many ways. They may go home and never be the same as before they left. Often, soldiers will tell stories, but they will not be entirely true. O’Brien’s narrator tells the reader that, â€Å"[i]n war you lose your sense of the definite, hence your sense of truth itself, and therefore it’s safe to say that in a true war story nothing much is ever very true† (O’Brien 354). The negative effects of war can be very harmful to a soldier’s life.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Weight Loss For Women

Weight Loss For Women Does the very thought of losing weight makes you feel burdensome? If yes, then let me tell you that losing weight can actually be fun! If you are wondering about how to lose weight in a way that would really be fun and burden-less, then first think about the benefits of shedding those extra pounds of flesh you have in your body. You would get to wear all of your favorite dresses to flaunt that perfect body, you would soon become a head turner, you would have an increased level of energy, you would feel immensely happy about yourself, and about generally everything and most importantly keep all kinds of diseases at bay! The typical how to lose weight guides will make you follow strict boring ways to lose weight. But here we are going to give you some excellent ideas on how to lose weight, without much effort. First and foremost you should be willing to lose weight, and everything will then follow. The prime reason why you put on extra-weight is their eating habits. So if you are a foodie, and just cannot resist those tempting burgers, then let us be a little more experimental and eat a healthy fruit salad instead! Likewise, instead of convincing your mind that a ban has been put on all the junk and fattening food, think of the alternatives that you can eat which are healthy and nutritious. It will not only help you in reducing your weight but will also satisfy your taste buds. Another reason of extra weight is the lack of exercise. So if you are in love with your laziness; then here you would have to ditch your laziness a little, if you want a better partner who would not be able to take their hands off your body! There is absolutely no need to force yourself to do all that rigorous exercise; plenty of alternatives are available for the physical activity that you need which would help you in losing your weight. For instance, aerobics, yoga, swimming, dance! Wouldnt it be fun doing all this, having fun while losing weight! Women, especially, are very much concerned about the ways they look. Their elegance and their attractiveness is based on the way they look. How to lose weight for women is very important and women must focus on their figures to look gorgeous. Today, globally, women are cognizant about their health and diet. Earlier, people usually considered obesity as sign of health, but things have changed with the time and now, you might have understood and realized the magnitude of health and its diverse hazards. You strive hard to lose weight and try to find various ways of losing weight. However, weight loss depends on people and the places where they live in. There are various factors that affect ones weight- it could be related to losing weight or gaining weight. There are countless ways that you can shed your fat and look gorgeous and attract people all around you with your fragile and curvy features. Do not you want to look stunning in order to entice people around? Every woman wants to loo k beautiful, the only reason is they are naturally delicate and have tender features. They beauty flows from head to toe and people lock their eyes on women from every angle as women are very attractive, especially when they are slim and have good figure. As you know, there are numerous factors that are related to losing or gaining weight. However, recent studies have revealed that women lose weight faster than men due to their natural fat-shedding mechanism. However, it is believed that women need to involve in rigorous exercises in order to lose weight, but here, it is not the case. Since the chemicals inside female bodies act as reactors to certain dietary levels, it is not difficult to shed weight. Nevertheless, women should understand the basic concepts and when you understand then there is no hard work involved, but only some steps to follow. One of the problems that women have is time! They may not find time and maybe this is what restricts them from doing regular exercises. Women all over the world are health conscious but however, regions matter a lot. If you are in America, then you know what diet you have to follow and you do that according to your climate and region. Similarly, if you are in Europe or Asia or Africa, you f ollow health patterns according to your comfort levels. Women in America eat pizzas, burgers, diet beverages, etc. in their routine life. However, this may not be applicable to the women who live in Asia. Asian women may eat noodles, rice, etc. No matter what you eat, you must know the nutritional values as they are very essential. Losing calories is one of the crucial aspects and it is regarded as the front-fighter for women who have desires of losing weight. You might have heard that if you take more calories, then you deposit more fat in your body. But now, we have solution for you to lose fat as there are many ways to lose fat and to look slim and sexy. Make people go gaga over your looks and make others envy your sexy figure. There are various ways through which one can lose weight such as: 1. Eating healthy food 2. Reducing fat in your diet 3. Doing exercises regularly 4. Having sexual intercourse regularly 5. Building up stamina by doing combo-exercises 6. Spiritual exercises 7. Walking whenever and wherever possible 8. Stay Happy 9. By joining a gym or a fitness center 10. by consuming lots of water 1. Eating healthy food: What is healthy food? And how you are going to keep track of your diet? Well, it is very simple! Healthy food is nothing but normal diet. To shed that fat, you have to follow simple basic diets such as leafy vegetables, food without oil, fewer intakes of fish, cheese, butter and other fatty products, etc. It is said that if you eat leafy vegetables, then your metabolism remains perfect. You can start off with simple breakfast. Take a bowl of cereals as they have high-fibers. Mix a couple of bananas and milk. Remember not skip your breakfast as breakfast is very essential to stay fit and alert whole day. Good and healthy breakfast gives strong impact on your daily activities, so never skip it! 2. Reducing fat in your diet: Reduce that unwanted fat! How? When you intake food, read the nutritional values or just have some knowledge about what you are eating. Avoid regular consumption meat; do not eat fish regularly (once in a while, it is okay, but not every time). Avoid snacks. Munching some or the other thing may result in the huge deposition of fat and that may lead to various diseases including heart related, cancer, less concentration, and also may lead to unstable mental balance and equilibrium. However, you can grab a fresh fruit plate and finish it off and this does not have presence of fat. It is estimated that a piece of any fruit, any time, during the day reduces blood pressure and keep the blood levels minimal. This also helps in getting less anger and maintaining your mental balance which is very essential for you to lose weight. All fruits have very few calories and consumption of fruit at least 30 minutes before breakfast or any meal will prove useful. So, kic k that snack off and gulp a piece of fruit! 3. Doing exercises regularly: Shake it baby and shake that fat off your belly by doing regular exercises. It is very easy to work out daily by taking some time out from your routine. Daily exercises include walking, jogging, running, skipping, jumping, swimming, cycling, etc. The best way to follow regular exercise is: a) Wake up and walk around for at least two minutes before going to washroom b) Stretch a bit and touch your toes after you finish brushing your teeth c) While eating, chew at least 40 times and this is one of the best exercises for your jaw. Also, it helps in churning food well and helps in good digestion d) Play with your kids and run while playing e) Laugh a lot! When you laugh, your stomach muscles contract with your neck muscles, including your spine. This helps in keeping your heart race in rhythm and as you know, laughter is the best medicine! f) Pick your kids up in your arms and roam around g) Park your car and walk till your destination h) Avoid elevators and climb stairs, no matter how many floors they are. Climbing stairs help in building your thigh muscles and your hips get in shape when you climb regularly. It is better to count while you climb every time and also, climb down i) Lets dance! Turn on your favorite track and dance for at least 15 minutes. Dancing burns calories and when you perspire, sit down, relax and count till 50 and then backwards. j) Angry? Kick it off by kicking the kit. When you are angry, do not regret later as this is one of the best ways to release your frustration, as well as your unwanted fat. When you get angry, put on the gloves and start hitting the boxing-kit till you perspire and think you are getting exhausted. When you do that, you burn a lot of calories and also, by that time, you will realize that you have already kicked that anger off your hot head and then you will feel cool and relaxed. What else do you need? You are getting multiples things at the same time- your anger is vanishing from your head, you are reducing your fat, you are losing calories, and also, you are training yourself for self defense. Sounds cool, does not it? 4. Having sexual intercourse regularly: Men get aroused easily and women take a lot of time in getting sexually charged. Recent studies depict that sexual intercourse burns many calories and the act itself is a fat burning process. When you are involved in sexual intercourse, you tend to lose more fat. It is said that 1 French kiss helps in losing many calories. So while having sex, make sure you lips are locked. Also, an orgasm can make your heart healthy and regular sex may reduce mortality. Indulge in sexual act at least 3 times a week. 5. Building up stamina by doing combo-exercises: What are combo-exercises? When you combine two things, then it results in combination. Similarly, combo-exercises are the combination of exercises such as dance and exercise, Thai boxing, Cardio, etc. When you dance and exercise, you build stamina and stamina helps in performing more, which results in burning of fat. 6. Spiritual Exercises: These exercises involve meditations. Close your eyes every day and meditate at least for 20 minutes, by keeping your mind blank. When you are involved in spiritual stuff, you will find the difference soon. Meditation not only gives impact on your physique but also on your mind and memory. When you do meditation, you will improve your memory and things may turn in a positive way. 7. Walking whenever and wherever possible: Walking is one of the important ways to lose fat. Walk fast every day or walk slow does not matter but walking itself matters. When you walk your muscles get strong. 8. Stay Happy: Stay happy by being positive. Tensions always lead to disturbed life. Avoid that and keep yourself happy if you want to lose weight. 9. By joining a gym or a fitness center: Follow instructors ways and shed off that fat 10. By consuming lots of water: Consumption of water may reduce weight as the liquid will flow deep inside your body and make your joints and muscles flexible which may result in good work out.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Institutionalization Essay -- Business, Multinational Companies

The fast paced, ever changing, and volatile business climate of today affects the ability of multinational companies such as Hewlett-Packard to sustain a competitive advantage. In 2002 the company conducted a controversial acquisition of Compaq which led to lay-offs, infighting, and impacted their ability to implement structural changes. Hewlett-Packard is a widely respected company known for executing continuous improvement throughout all levels of the company. However, the challenge all companies face is the ability to implement and sustain intervention programs over a period of time to the degree that the changes become part of the organization’s functions. Thus, the strategies and framework Hewlett-Packard used to institutionalize intervention programs throughout its history will be examined. Institutionalization Process Institutionalization is embedding change processes brought on by effective interventions to an organization’s functioning for a prescribed period of time. Moreover the process of institutionalization consists of socialization, commitment, reward allocation, diffusion, and sensing and calibration. They are the by-products of two dimensions: organization characteristics (such as congruence and unionization) and intervention characteristics (goal specificity and programmability). When Hewlett-Packard (HP) acquired Compaq in 2002, the combination of these two dimensions produced the institutionalization processes. According to Cummings and Worley (2009), there are five factors of the institutionalization process (socialization, commitment, reward allocation, diffusion, and sensing and calibration) that determine long-term implementation of interventions. In other words, the degree to which these fa... organizations must maintain constant vigilance over environmental forces such as the economy and internal forces such as employee actions and behaviors that undermine the change process (Cummings & Worley, 2009). Conclusion Change strategies are part of every organization’s design. In order for an organization to have success with implementing persistent change all or the majority of institutionalization factors outlined must be present. The most compelling aspect of Hewlett-Packard’s interventions was emphasis on targeting the level of change at both the organization and department level. Finally, the aggressive structural changes Hewlett-Packard initiated during the course of its existence reflects the strategic planning and risk associated with sustaining a competitive advantage in the highly volatile information technology industry.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Downfall Of The American Dream in The Great Gatsby :: The Great Gatsby

Authors use symbolism in their written expressions in order to enhance the thematic interests of the novel. The use of symbolism allows the reader to interpret the story, which in turn, stimulates a more personal, imaginative, and meaningful experience. Scott F. Fitzgerald’s, The Great Gatsby, became an instant classic because of the symbolism used to enhance the theme throughout the novel. Without this symbolism, the theme of the withering American Dream would have been less than adequate, and the book would have never attained the status and popularity among readers that it does today. The most prominent and influential symbols are the green light, Gatsby’s shirts, and the Valley of Ashes. When Gatsby is first seen, “he stretched out his arms toward…a single green light, minute and far way, that might have been the end of a dock.';(Fitzgerald 26) The green light that he appears to be reaching for is the light on Daisy’s dock. In Gatsby’s early life he had a romantic relationship with Daisy. However, he went away to war and when he came back she was married to an extremely wealthy man, Tom Buchanan. Gatsby concluded in his own mind that in order to win Daisy’s love, he too had to become wealthy. After he established himself financially, he bought a house directly across the water from Daisy and her green light. He associates Daisy with the green light, and it becomes a symbol of her throughout the novel. “The whole being of Gatsby exists only in relation to what the green light symbolizes.';(Bewley 41) Gatsby becomes so infatuated with the green light that it is almost as if Daisy does not even exist. She becomes no more than a romant ic dream within the green light on the dock. At last he realizes this when he and Daisy meet and, while staring at the green light, link arms. He finally attains what he thought he wanted and the green light becomes no more than a green light. This false sense of reality brings Gatsby great melancholy when he realizes that Daisy is not as great as he thought she was. This is similar to the feelings immigrants were overcome by when they reached America. They had been told their whole lives that America was the land of opportunity and that the streets were paved with gold, but when they got there they realized it wasn’t all that different from the homeland which they so eagerly deserted.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Assess the contribution of feminist sociologists to an understanding of family roles and relationships Essay

Assess the contribution of feminist sociologists to an understanding of family roles and relationships. In this essay I will explore the different schools of feminism such as Marxist, liberal and radical feminism, who share the view that women are oppressed in a patriarchal society but differ in opinion on who benefits from the inequalities. Each school of feminism has their own understanding of family roles and relationships which I will assess through this essay. Firstly one must look at the division of domestic labour and conjugal roles. Conjugal roles refer to the roles performed by men and women in relation to housework, childcare and paid work. Traditionally men had the instrumental ‘bread-winning’ role which the women had the expressive role (childcare and primary socialisation). Feminists say that the traditional division of labour is neither natural nor beneficial to women as their expressive role is unpaid and taken for granted. However different feminist views disagree on who benefits from this unpaid labour. Marxist feminists would argue it is capitalism that benefits most as wives keep their husbands happy and therefore they are left with a content workforce. On the other hand, radical feminists would argue that men are the main people to gain from women’s oppression as we live in a patriarchal society. A functionalist view from Wilmott and Young says that there has been a ‘march of progress’ in which the family has become more symmetrical with more joint conjugal roles (where both partners share the household labour). However feminists reject this view with Oakley arguing the family still remains patriarchal and Boulton saying the evidence to support the alleged rise in symmetry is weak, and that the responsibility for childcare still lies with women. Furthermore, Oakley describes how the housewife role has become dominant for women in a marriage since the industrialisation in the 19th century. Although women started off as part of the work force they were gradually excluded and confined to the home with housework and childcare responsibilities. This shows how the role of the housewife was socially constructed rather than being ‘natural’ as claimed by Parsons, and how it benefits both men and capitalism. Additionally, even though the 20th century saw a rise in the number of married women in paid labour, they remain in lower paid jobs and unable to climb the job ladder due the the ‘glass ceiling’ (earning just 80% of a man’s wages in the same position). Silver and S chor stress the importance of two economic developments that  reduce the burden of housework on women. The commercialisation of housework means that goods and services previously produced by women themselves are now mass-produced and supplied by shops, including freezers, microwaves, ‘ready meals’ and so on, reducing the amount of domestic labour women have to do. Additionally, the increase in women working allows them the ability to afford these goods. Silver and Schor, as a result, argue the burden on housework has decreased. However critics argue that for poorer women it is not an option to buy these expensive goods and services. Feminists also argue that even if commercialisation has reduced the amount of housework needing to be done, it does not prove that couples share the remaining chores equally. A further argument from some sociologists is that rather than a ‘new man’ who has an equal share of housework now more women are working, women have simply acquired a dual burden of both paid and unpaid work. With this view feminists say that the family remai ns patriarchal, with men benefiting from both women’s earnings but also their domestic labour. Ferri and Smith provide evidence of women’s dual burden, finding that the father taking main responsibility for childcare occurred in less than 4% of families from their sample. In addition to the dual burden, Duncombe and Marsden argue the case of the ‘triple shift’ where women do the double shift of housework and paid work, but also take up emotion work (the management of one’s own and other’s emotions). As this essay has shown so far, there is inequality in who does what in the home but there is also inequality in decision-making; in deciding who gets what and how the family resources are shared out between them. Barrett and McIntosh note that mean usually make the most important decisions, the financial support from men is often unpredictable and they usually gain more from women’s domestic labour than they give back in return. Feminist sociologists Pahl and Vogler suggest that because of men’s higher earnings women have more financial dependence on their husbands and this is why men take more control over major decisions. Edgell agrees with this view and states that women only exert some control on less important decisions such as home dà ©cor. Finch argues that wives’ lives are generally structured around the husbands’, such as if the husband had to move for work, the wives would pick up and go with them, whereas it is unlikely that the husband would follow their wife for work. Radical feminists also suggest that domestic violence is evidence of patriarchy as  men use the threat or use of violence to control women. Domestic violence is a widespread problem being a sixth of all violent crime in 2007 and the cause of over 100 deaths per year. Domestic violence is mainly perpetrated by men against women with 1 in 4 women being assaulted by their partners at some point in their lives a nd only 1 in 7 men being assaulted. However these figures may be under representative as many victims are unwilling to report these events as police investigators are unwilling to record and investigate many claims. Some feminists also say that domestic violence occurs due the dominant models of masculinity in society leading some men to use violence to assert authority when they are challenged. However, Giddens explains it through the ‘emotional intensity’ of the family and Wilkinson says it is the product of stress created by social and economic inequalities (resulting in poverty, unemployment and poor housing). On the other hand these explanations do not explain why domestic violence also occurs in the middle and upper classes as well, despite the main victims being those in lower socio-economic groups. As shown in this essay, different feminist contributions to our understanding of the roles and relationships in the family have similarities. However those perspectives examined differ in ‘solution’ to the oppression of women in our society. While liberal feminists believe that changes in the law and attitudes of people will be enough to bring equality, Marxist and radical feminists believes revolutionary changes to deep-rooted social structures are needed. Marxist feminists also argue that the family must be abolished at the same time as socialist revolution replaces capitalism with a classless society. Radical feminists also believe that the family, the root of women’s oppression, must be overturned; the difference being that they believe this can only be achieved through separatism – women must organise themselves to live independently of men. After reviewing all the feminist theories I can say that feminist perspectives of the family have moved research away from the traditional functionalist view of male-dominated society. Feminist perspectives have highlighted the negative aspects of the fa mily which the functionalists have previously ignored, however all the different feminist views assume that the nuclear family is still the norm and ignores the increasing diversity of family life. Additionally, feminism is a structural theory meaning that they assume families and their members are merely  puppets to be manipulated by society. Social action theorists and postmodernists reject this idea and argue that individuals have some choice in creating family relationship of our own and choosing our domestic set up for ourselves. In final conclusion, I believe the feminist perspectives to have helped move sociological ideas forward and take into account negative aspects of family life as well as the positives, yet at the same time they need to broaden their ideas to encompass the idea of individuals having choice to create their own family situation with diversity in families on the rise.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Coffee drinking enhances the analgesic effect of cigarette smoking Essay

              Addiction is defined as a state whereby one becomes one cannot do without a certain stimuli which one has compulsive engagement often getting a reward but the end results are adverse. An individual is not able to control the various aspects which form part of their addiction and they often compelled to repeat the same behavior or have the same substance over and over again. A habit may also become an addiction if one engages in the same habit often. Furthermore, the addiction of an individual to a certain substance or even an activity often leads to very serious problems which can be experienced at school, home and even within the social network that an individual has. There are several types of addictions and some of whi9ch will be analyzed and discussed in this essay include coffee addiction, internet addiction as well as cigarette or nicotine addiction. Internet addiction             Internet addiction, as the name suggests results from the constant and continued browsing through the internet and being online for longer hours without having any specific objective that one wants to achieve (Christakis, 61). The daily routine browsing and surfing ion the internet for longer hours whereby any interruptions of such activity causes one to become irritated often can be considered as internet addiction. The constant and unstoppable yet obsessive browsing of the internet started with the introduction and the use of internet. Over the years, this has grown a lot as a result of the developments and the ease of access to the internet which has been experienced (Christakis, 61). Internet addiction is experienced through the effect that online materials such as pornography, gaming, blogging, gambling and even networking have on individuals in the society. Internet addiction will manifest itself when one is seen to be pre-occupied with thoughts about the in ternet on the various activities they carry out on the internet.                Furthermore, the increased use of internet, depression, seemingly to be moody as well as restless when one attempt to stop using the internet also form signs of internet addiction (Christakis, 61). When one uses the internet to avoid real life situations, often tells lies about their involvement with the internet are also signs one may be addicted to the internet. The effects are that one becomes withdrawn from real life relationships, physical discomfort, anxiety and depression. Furthermore, it has negative effects on family, occupations, financial status as well as academic work and performance. To address this issue, one has to recognize and accept they have a problem (Christakis, 61). After determining and accepting there is a problem, one should seek a â€Å"Certified Addictions Counselor† who is trained on handling and treating internet addiction. Cigarette/Nicotine Addiction               The second type of addiction that is addressed in this paper is cigarette or nicotine addiction. This kind of addiction started long time ago and for many centuries people have been addicted to cigarette. The use of cigarette was in the past viewed as a way of showing prestige since people that were wealthy were the ones often seen smoking cigarettes (Balfour, et al., 438-45). It tobacco has been used for a long time across the world. However, it is to be noted that tobacco contains nicotine, an addictive substance and quite poisonous. Furthermore, when nicotine is taking in small doses, it can act as a stimulant to the central nervous system of the body which makes one become more active. The large part of nicotine is often metabolized in the liver after which it is excreted from the kidney. Nicotine is known to remain in the blood system for up to eight hours after one has stopped smoking. Smoking is a habit that one adopts and regular smoking makes the body tolerant to nicotine which then means one has to smoke more cigarettes to satisfy the craving that is developed (Balfour, et al., 438-45). As one continues to use cigarettes, the symptoms of withdr5awal are experienced which becomes an indication that one has developed dependency on cigarettes and cannot do without it hence addiction.               The signs of cigarette addiction can be seen when one starts smoking â€Å"few† sticks of cigarette after which one starts smoking a whole pack of cigarettes in a day. This is a clear indication that the individual has developed tolerance to the nicotine contained in the cigarettes hence needs large amounts of the same to satisfy the urge. The other sign of dependency on cigarette is withdrawal. This refers to the physical symptoms which can be observed in an individual when they stop of fail to use the cigarette which may include restlessness, anxiety as well as drowsiness among others (Balfour, et al., 438-45). Furthermore, a tobacco addict will also be seen to select to engage and be around people who smoke, take on jobs that will allow them to smoke as well as hiding or even sneaking cigarettes in areas where it is prohibited. For parents who are addicted, they will be seen to smoke even around their children despite knowing that it is harmful to th e health of their children.               The side effects of this addiction include lung cancer, emphysema, as well as heart disease.   The continued use of nicotine often results in high blood pressure, contraction of blood vessels hence inhibiting flow of blood (Balfour, et al., 438-45). The carbon monoxide from the cigarette smoke often results in insufficient oxygen in the blood. Furthermore, cigarette addiction results in one becoming nervous, always feeling shaky and even anxious for no good reason if they fail to use the cigarette. To address this type of addiction, one is required to seek professional help from â€Å"Certified Addictions Counselor† who will be able to provide professional help (Balfour, et al., 438-45). The support from family members as well as friends is also important in overcoming this addiction. Coffee Addiction             Coffee addiction is also another type of addiction which is seen to have affected the society quite a lot. Coffee addiction results from the intake of caffeine which is a stimulant (Nastase, Anca, et al., 921-24). Caffeine when taken often stimulates the nervous system and the continued use of coffee often results in physical dependence although quite mild. However, it is to be noted that caffeine is not as addictive as the other types of stimulants which people often use and it does not have the same threats to social, physical as well as economic health of an individual (Nastase, Anca, et al., 921-24).               Coffee has been in use for many centuries as a household drink most often taken in the morning or anytime that one feels they need to have coffee. It has been noted that when one takes two or even more cups of coffee in a day, and then stops abruptly the use of coffee, there are several symptoms which will be experienced. One is likely to experience symptoms of withdrawal such as headaches, anxiety, fatigue, depressed moods, irritability as well as difficulty in concentrating on one issue (Nastase, Anca, et al., 921-24). Caffeine use and dependency can be stopped, gradually by talking coffee in small quantities until that time when one completely stops using coffee. It is also advisable to seek professional help from a â€Å"Certified Addictions Counselor† who is in a better position to help out with the dependency. References Balfour, D., et al. â€Å"Diagnosis and treatment of nicotine dependence with emphasis on nicotine replacement therapy. A status report.† European Heart Journal 21.6 (2000): 438-445. Christakis, Dimitri A. â€Å"Internet addiction: a 21st century epidemic?.† BMC medicine 8.1 (2010): 61. Nastase, Anca, et al. â€Å"Coffee drinking enhances the analgesic effect of cigarette smoking.† Neuroreport 18.9 (2007): 921-924. Source document

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Where is Cole Group vulnerable? What should it watch out for?

Question 2: Where is Cole Group vulnerable? What should it watch out for? As a company with millions of customer throughout 2, 900 stores, The Coles Group certainly be one of the top companies in Australia and New Zealand. However, it has lost its market share to the more enhanced and focused Woolworths company. The loyalty program battleground between two companies seemed more advantages over the Woolworths side since it gained 40% of market share with less on 50% advertising spending. There are some possible problems the Coles Group has to consider while managing its broad relationship marketing programs.First, their customer may find it very difficult to understand and remember all the complexity of saving points promotion. Second, it may cost even more in advertising and marketing to inform the customer all the benefits they can get from the diverse collection of Coles Group promotions. People are confused to count all the points, discount, actual value they can get from the FlyB uys card. On the other hand, The Woolworths offered the simple, logical program of discounts points via WoolworthsCredit Card, so the Woolworths can deliver these loyalty programs to the customer better. Moreover, with millions of members through FlyBuys and Coles Group Source MasterCard, the system may misreport the reward points for the customer and cause some serious customer complaints.References:Bianca Hartge-Hazelman. (2012, 11 July). The loyalty program battle ground .The Australian Financial Review. Retrieved 11 July 2012 from Madeleine Ross(2012, 7 Dec). Coles vs Woolworths: Who's winning?. Retrieved 11 July 2012 from References cá » §a Case Coles Group. (2007). Welcome to Coles Group Limited. 1 November 2007, from Fenner, R. (2006, 31 July). Coles plans comeback to recoup market share [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 3 November 2007 from Fenner, R., & Choudhury, A. (2006, 13 March). Coles Myer to offload its department stores [Electronic Version]. International Herald Tribune. Retrieved 1 November 2007 from FlyBuys. (2007). Frequent Questions [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 1 November 2007 from Howarth, B. (2007, 3 October). Beer and nappies and so much more [Electronic Version]. The Age. Retrieved 1 November 2007 from (2004, 19 July). Woolworths reports $27.9b annual sales [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 1 November 2007 from Woolworths. (2007). The fresh food people. Retrieved 3 November, 2007, from

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Every Child Is Special Essay

Every Child Is Special is a Hindi drama film (Taare Zameen Par, translation: Stars On Earth) produced and directed by Aamir Khan (who also played the role of Ram Shankar Nikumbh an art teacher). It tells about a boy, Ishaan Awasthi an eight-year old whose world is filled with wonders that no one else seems to appreciate and who were always getting in trouble at school for being so misbehaving and out of focus from his lessons. Too often, he would be caught by his teacher daydreaming and getting low grades. He even cannot read nor write, for him letters and numbers are his enemy. For the people around him, Ishaan is a naughty and lazy boy because of this, his father sent him to boarding school, all alone and homesick with the hope of disciplining him, but the academic status of Ishaan did not still improve. Instead, he became withdrawn and lonely, far from the Ishaan who was active and fun-loving. Then came a new art teacher Ram Shankar Nikumbh who infects the students with joy and optimism. see more:every child is special full movie He breaks all the rules of â€Å"how things are done† by asking them to think, dream and imagine, and all the children respond with enthusiasm, all except Ishaan. But with Ram Shankar Nikumbh’s time, patience, care, and some awesome motivation he ultimately helps Ishaan find himself and change the way Ishaan would act towards school and learn to appreciate himself even more. Darsheel Safary is so perfect for the role of Ishaan Awasthi. Safary, with his innocent eyes and face, made me laugh with his funny antics and at the same time rend my heart as he goes through the agony of enduring boarding school alone and away from his parents. From start to finish, the movie gripped my attention, and the musical portions added to my fascination for that I can say that Every Child Is Special is a one heart-touching movie. This movie is an eye opener as to the worth and significance of every child. The story deals with an issue that is as real as it is unrecognized – dyslexia. The movie has increased my education about that kind of ailment. This is a kind of movie that can tug the heartstrings and at the same time bring hope that having dyslexia is not a desperate situation. Family support, patience, and love are central themes in this story, plus the primary focus on painting and art. The theory on multiple intelligences in education plays a major role in this movie and can be very informative to teachers and parents.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Air Asia Essay Example for Free (#4)

Air Asia Essay Essay Topic: Citation , Academic dishonesty Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA Haven't found the essay you want? Get your custom sample essay for only $13.90/page ? A. Late Submission A 10% deduction per day of total coursework marks (excluding weekends and public holidays). Late submission between 5 to 10 days, results in a 50% deduction of total coursework marks. Late submission past 10 days results in an automatic 0% for coursework and the student will be barred from the final examination. B. Deliverables Students must submit all materials supporting their coursework listed in the deliverable section. The coursework must be done individually and must be entirely your own work. Please make sure that you are aware of the rules concerning plagiarism. If you are unclear about them, please consult your program coordinator/lecturer. The coursework should exhibit formal research skills i. e. with a table of content, proper citations, references, and appendices. The coursework write up must be able to demonstrate critical analysis and application of both theory and practical issues to the company that you have selected. Student may include additional relevant data/information apart from the proposed guidelines in conjunction to your research. Additional marks will be awarded for such attempt. A CD containing the softcopy version of your coursework should be submitted as well (if required). BACHELOR OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (HONS) & BACHELOR OF ACCOUNTING (HONS) COURSEWORK – QUESTIONS Choose one of the strategic change and management framework highlighted below and critically analyze and evaluate with supporting examples. PEST Analysis Porter’s 5 Forces Porter’s Value Chain Your report should attempt the following tasks: a) Discussion of the principles underlying the framework. b) A critical evaluation on the application of the framework in actual business context. c) Relating the framework to an organization of your choice. Your report should include: Cover Page Grading Scheme Executive Summary Table of Content Questions (a) & (c) List of References/Bibliography Appendices (if relevant) BACHELOR OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (HONS) Guidelines (1) Your mark in this coursework will carry a 25% weight in the assessment of your overall performance in this module. (2) You will be working on this coursework individually. (3) The assignment will be in a report format of not more than 1,500 words. (4) Appropriate APA referencing system will be employed where applicable. (5) Your assignment should be type written, 1 ? line spaced, font 12 Times New Roman and justify aligned. Please staple and do not comb bind. (6) Please provide an executive summary, table of content, page number, proper heading title for each part answered and references. (7) Use an appropriate cover sheet. (8) Please attach a copy of the grading scheme at the front of your coursework (after the Cover Page) during submission. (9) The assignment will be submitted on 25th October 2012 (Thursday) in class. Assignment of Grades for Written Work Written assignments will be graded according to the following distribution: 70%: Content (thoroughness of preparation, information, and content) 20%: Style (grammar, writing quality, clarity of writing at the sentence level) 10%: Presentation (organization, clarity of writing at the paper level) What this means in practice is that if you do the work, but don’t organize your thoughts or write clearly, you will end with at most a B. However, you will not be given full credit for content if the lecturer cannot understand what you’re saying, so if you don’t write clearly, you will probably end up losing points on content as well. BACHELOR OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (HONS) Academic Dishonesty As stated in the faculty Handbook, cheating, including plagiarism will not be tolerated. All written work, including paper summaries, must be your own work. If you wish to quote a source, you must do so explicitly, and with proper attribution. Any work that does not meet the requirements set out above will be treated as a violation of the academic honesty policy for the class, and dealt with accordingly. Air Asia. (2016, Jul 30).

The Basis of Christianity Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Basis of Christianity - Term Paper Example Although Christianity claims that there is just one God, the assign three different elements to this singular God. These elements include God himself as the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son and the third element is that of the Holy Spirit. Churches are where Christians gather to worship and the spiritual leaders of Christianity are either called priests or ministers. Their holy book of guidance is the Bible which consists of both the Old as well as the New Testament. Celebrated holidays in Christianity include Christmas and Easter which mark important milestones in the Western secular calendar.   These facts are perhaps well known to anyone who has ever heard the Christianity. The reason for choosing them as a community to base anthropological research had nothing to do with those facts but more with the Christianity’s extremely interesting and rich historical past as well as some of their values.   Christian socialism is a religious socialism that is based on the teachings and wisdom of Jesus Christ. Several Christian socialists believe that capitalism is idolatrous and has roots in greed. Greed is considered as a mortal sin in Christianity (Hastings, Mason, and Pyper).   Christianity teaches its followers some core values which, if followed, can lead the followers living a happy and prosperous life. Their first belief is having faith in one God. All Christians worship one God and consider it to be the most important thing in life. Second, which Christianity tells its followers is to respect other people. It is their core concept to give respect to other people irrespective of their age or gender. As it is written in the Bible, â€Å"Love your neighbor as yourself.† There is no commandment greater than these." (NIV, Mark 12:31). The word â€Å"love† carries respect for others in itself.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Studies And Investigations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Studies And Investigations - Essay Example At the same time, the Industrial Revolution and the consolidation of people into cities over history replaced the pastoral, wild silence with rural bustle with industrial cacophony. The reaction to both of these tendencies in the twentieth century was electronic music. Though electronic music eventually combined with disco to form modern dance techno, as well as with rock-like tendencies for industrial music, electronic music began with a focus on minimalism and silence, an attempt to leverage machines for something besides noise, an attempt to find an impossible mote of quiet. Emmerson operationally defines electronic music as â€Å"music heard through loudspeakers or sound made with the help of electronic means† (2007). John Cage's music philosophy was integral to the formation and development of electronic music, presaging it. â€Å"The theories of avant-garde American composer John Cage (1912-1992) on music, sound, and silence are of more interest than his musical composi tions. To Cage, there is no such thing as silence. Music is a succession of sounds and the composer the "organizer of sounds." Historically, music has been a communication of feelings, but Cage argues that all sounds have this potential for conveying feeling in the mechanical and electronic sense... 'Any sounds in any combination and in any succession are henceforth free to be used in a musical continuity'... Silence was perhaps the pivotal aspect of Cage's theories. If silence could be shown not to exist, then feelings, too, could be pushed into the category of nonexistence† (Hermitary, 2010). Cage tried to experiment with new sounds that could emulate silence or escape the traditional confines of music and sound, letting the ear get a respite from noise. His work in randomness, while perhaps difficult to listen to, presaged performance art and electronic music (Hermitary, 2010). Cage understood sound the same way electronic musicians do: Universal to nature and man. It is no t just the plucking of a violin that is music, but a catchy phrase that can be sampled and mixed, the whirring of an engine or the brushing of an industrial lave. To Cage, disharmony is a â€Å"harmony that is not understood† (Hermitary, 2010). Cage's work was inspired by the I Ching, by Taoism. â€Å"In the 1950's, Cage hit upon a method of composition that would be the counterpart of the frequency, amplitude, timbre, duration, etc. that constitute the mechanisms of tradition composition. The avant-garde method was randomness. Cage discovered the I Ching. By tossing the coins he came to hexagrams that offered ideas, and from the ideas he developed parameters for "chance-controlled music† (Hermitary, 2010). Ultimately, the biggest contribution of Cage was the understanding of silence not as a mere pause, a break from sound, but a musical creation itself. The nature of silence is a key concept of both Eastern and Western thought. Cage understood from his popular reading s that they could converge. He applied the concept of silence to music and tried to liberate silence from feelings or context, from an social and historical context. But Cage's compositions, while making statements opposed to historical aesthetics, did not discover therein a psychology or philosophy of silence, less an aesthetics. Silence became a utilitarian tool for compositional use, not unlike those historical composers he criticized. Though he argued for the equal status of all sounds, sounds, music, had no meaning, though they did not need

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Using the IRAC rule law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Using the IRAC rule law - Essay Example Using the IRAC rule law People always assume that riots and vandalism are not liable for compensation by insurance and the police are also not liable. However, According to commercial property coverage guide a riot is â€Å"any disturbances of the public’s peace by more than three people helping each other execute destruction of property and people by use of force and aggression in an unlawful manner†. According to this rule of law it seems the peoples assumptions are wrong yet the law states otherwise. The confusion here is that for the state to be liable for compensating Eric it must be first be investigated to find out the cause and intention. This is because for the state to compensate Eric, the law states that â€Å"the loss of his pharmacy must be accidental as intentional damages and loss and criminals acts are not liable for compensation†. According to Erick’s case, the people who looted, vandalized and burnt his pharmacy do not know him personally to be doing the damage intentionally nor are they doing it to cause damage for him. Secondly, the looting and vandalism was not done by Erick himself but a rowdy group thus the insurance is liable for compensation. The state is liable for compensation in Erick’s case since the police stood by and did not prevent the rioters from vandalizing and burning his pharmacy. Therefore, Erick must be compensated for losses incurred in his shop. Eric’s pharmacy company VCS was to be delivered pharmaceuticals by Tanya who owns a pharmaceutical delivery business.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Maths report 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Maths report 2 - Essay Example A mathematical model is an abstract model that uses mathematical language to describe the behavior of a system. It is an accurate representation of the relationship between two or more variables relevant to a given situation or problem The process of developing such models is known as mathematical modeling. Mathematical models are used particularly in natural sciences and engineering disciplines such as physics, biology and mechanical engineering but also in social sciences such as economics and political science. Mathematical models can take many forms, including but not limited to dynamical systems, statistical models, differential equations, or game theoretic models. These and other model types can overlap, with a given model involving a variety of abstract structures. There are six primary groups of variables: decision variables, input variables, state variables, exogenous variables, random variables and output variables. Mathematical modelling problems are often classified as the black box or white box models, according to how much prior information is available from the system. In this report, the principles of mathematical modelling are used to solve problems in the real world. The model creates an accurate representation of some phenomenon for better understanding. They create matches of observation with symbolic representation and Inform Theory and assist in explanations of the problems, mathematically. Mathematical modelling has been used effectively in the above exercise to create models that have solved the problems given. The answers to those problems and the procedures used in arriving at them are clearly outlined, in the workings of each

Monday, September 9, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Contemporary Issues in Accounting - Essay Example Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan's largest and the world's #4 carmaker by 2003 sales (after General Motors, Ford, and Daimler Chrysler), had a wide range of products and strong brand names with high quality image. Toyota's growing reputation for quality and the very small numbers of technical problems in its vehicles generated interesting customer loyalty and a growing demand for its products. Toyota management was managing the company's inventory, costs and capacity very successfully and was applying cost reduction programs very well. Toyota had riving ambition to become greener. The company made a hybrid-powered (gas and electric) sedan- the prius- that had already been snapped up in U.S. and European markets. Toyota also made huge investments in developing fuel-cell technology for its vehicles. Its gas-powered cars, pick-ups, minivans, and SUVs included such models as the Camry, Celica, Corolla, 4Runner, Echo, Land Cruiser, Sienna, the luxury Lexus line, and a full-sized pick-up tr uck, the v-8 Tundra. With its wide distribution channels, strong channel efficiency and effectiveness, Toyota was successfully competing with the world's upper three auto makers and poised to replace GM in the top spot this decade. Toyota was known world-wide for its up-to-date vehicles, strong vehicle design, comfortableness, safety, strong resistance to wind and rollover, low fuel consumption, presence of electronic and other devices in the vehicles, and strong reputation for luxury. Surveys, however, rated the attractiveness and comfort of its passenger cars as mediocre. Also rated mediocre was the off-road excellence of its SUVs. Toyota was a leader in technological improvements, such as drive, production and vehicle construction technology and had a solid ability to design and innovate new products, to differentiate its products, to innovate new vehicle lines, and to extend existing vehicle lines. Six stakeholders of Company: In the case of Toyota the stakeholders or the users of the annual reports include "present and potential investors, employees, lenders, suppliers and other trade creditors, customers, governments and their agencies and the public. They use financial reports in order to satisfy some of their different needs for information" (Australian Accounting Standards Board, 2004). The improvement in public scrutiny and the controlled market discipline is largely dependent upon the meaningful and accurate disclosure of information. This not only helps the shareholders but also helps the organisation to conduct business in a safe and efficient manner by achieving their targets through improving their risk management processes. The researchers find many gaps in the appropriate disclosure of risk by the organisations. Many surveys have been

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Best source for Expo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Best source for Expo - Essay Example From the article, one can tell that it was the second year for the event and it was like a combination show of trade that gathered fans and made a big party with some music festival in it. How well the author elaborates on the activities that were carried out in the expo makes it a good source of expo. Through reading this article, a reader can tell what to expect in a penny arcade expo. The author analyses the expo in a way that anyone who reads the article can tell every detail of the Expo. The article explains that in the Penny Arcade expo there were more than 10,000 attendees. According to the article, the expo involved console and computer game tournaments (Penny, 2005). I chose this source because it elaborates on every session that took place in the expo. For example, it gives the activities that took place in the show such as the question and answer sessions with penny arcade creators, pro-player challenges, and performances by music rockers. The article gives the highlight of the show as Omegathon, which is a gaming decathlon with six events. The author makes the expo activities look exciting to the reader. Even for individuals who did not attend the expo, through reading this article they can get a clear picture of the activities that took place and how exciting they were. The article also names its sponsors as sonny, Microsoft, Ncsoft, and Nintendo (Penny, 56). By naming the sponsors of the expo, the source makes the reader grasp an idea of corporations that work hand in hand with the Penny arcade Expo. The performances that were made in the expo give the reader an idea of the activities of an expo. Through using this source, an individual can compare how the 2005 expo was different from other expos that have been held since then in different places. One can compare the events and be able to tell the most common events that take place in such expos. The source gives information of the expo through